Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shock Therapy

The weekend before Thanksgiving, my dad scored some sweet company tickets to a concert in ATL. Then Christmas rolls around and one of my dad's co-workers gives him a game for his gift and adds, "After meeting your wife and kids, I thought you guys would enjoy this." A unanimous 'awwww', right?

Here's how the game is played. Two to four people grab a hand controller, you press the button in the middle, and wait for the button to turn green. Once the center button turns green, you press the small button on your hand controller and whoever buzzes in last gets a shock. Yes, that's right. A shock...of electricity.

Why in the world would someone think my family would enjoy this? Actually, we can't put the thing down. We Lofton's are apparently hard core.

I have recently taken to documenting things that go on in my daily life, mainly because I find some readers simply don't believe me. Thank goodness for the iPhone, right!

Here is documentation that we are crazy. Please excuse the Redneck accents, foul language, butt-crack glimpse, etc. Electricity people.

Come over any time. We even have the Billingsley's participating.

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