Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Redneck Thanksgiving

There is a certain pride and joy that I have from being born in Mississippi. Mostly there is the is that southern-pride thing and the joy that my dad got us the hell out of there. No matter, I am from a VERY small town in Mississippi and most of my family lives there. I love going home because I love my family, no matter how insane they are sometimes :)

Thanksgiving is also my favorite holiday probably because I have so much to be thankful for...and the food. This Thanksgiving we went "home" and although I was sickly, we still had a wonderful time. I knew I would have lots to blog about with my family around and this story is only about an hour of my Redneck Thanksgiving. More to come :)

The men in my family scare people just by their gruff nature and their strong/silent type of mood. My grandfather, Earnie, is no different, except for that silent part. I am always trying to talk him in to giving me his truck, but alas this never happens so this Thanksgiving I asked if he would teach me to drive the [white] truck that hauls the horse trailer.( Every year he takes his horses and dogs up to South Dakota and stays at a house of his up there. Old man stuff....and he just got back) Of course, he couldn't deny my request.

 My sister and I along with my dad and grandfather go outside in the wet and he tells us to load up. My sister and I cram into the front seat: we don't like the back. Kristen finds a cowboy had and slaps that on, starts searching through his junk (she found a ring and a GPS), and as I look listen to my dad and grandpa talk. I hear my dad tell my grandfather this is the first time driving a trailer this big and he should give us "some instructions on that blind spot." With Kristen and her "riding cap" we head off.

His instructions went about like this: "see that [points out the right mirror], watch that" and he hands over the wheel to my sister who frequently tunes out instructions. WTF. Yeah.

She takes it around the 3 mile loop (which is like a 4 or 5 mile road with no lines) and  then we switch and do it again. Apparently we were watching whatever we were supposed to be watching okay and then Kristen pulls into a church parking lot and just about destroys the shrubs. That's when I take back over. At this point we had turned around and started going the other way...left turns :). My grandpa says, "Bit, come over a little you are gon' hit so-and-so's mailbox." So I say, "Thanks I did not wanna clip it."

The southern man sitting next to me looked like he was about to crap his pants, "Clip it hell, you just about took the aluminum off the slide of my trailer."

Woops. Guess those left turns are a little trickier than I thought, huh. I was not invited to South Dakota next year.

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