Thursday, January 6, 2011


1) I like to read
2) I like to read trashy romance novels...sue me
3) I read Twilight and liked it
4) I've been to the midnight showings of the movies with my bestie...and I liked it
5) I own the DVD's

The vampire uproar is interesting and like a twisted Days of Our Lives.
These, however, are not my confessions. They get much worse.

My confessions is I have caused my father to become addicted to the show Vampire Diaries.

It all started about a week and a half ago when my dad was at work function, when my mom was sick, and when my sister was scouring the internet to find cheaper school books. I was, to say the least, bored and was playing around on my laptop to pass the time before I gave my mom more meds and juice. (I am a really good nurse.) My roommate has been watching the Vampire Diaries a few times a week and she has suggested it to me. So, I looked online for the first season...everywhere! Hulu did not have it, the WB did not have it... I ended up finding the complete season on some sketchy website that probably gave me a virus or something. But shhhhh, we don't have to tell dad that!

You know on YouTube how the small video can become a whole screen...yeah well this website has obviously failed to acquire that kind of technology and it only took me about two episodes of blurry, pre-recorded, small screen-ness and a headache before I finally called it quits and went to bed. But, I was interested.

Anyone will tell you that the first episode or two has some B.A.D. acting. Like, real bad. But my bestie and I were yet again bored over this terribly long winter break and she slid by Blockbuster and rented the season.

That was a Sunday. On this said Sunday, my dad and I had some bonding time in the cold wind as we washed and cleaned out vehicles. I asked him several times if it would be okay that my friend came over and we watched the show on the big screen in the living room. "Sure, that's fine!"...and the deed was done.

I feel a little bit bad that I forgot to mention that the show had 22 episodes, but he seemed okay with it. So I let it be.

About three episodes in, and around 7:00pm, my sister, her boyfriend, and my parents all started to roam into the living room asking a ton of questions and begggggging for us to turn off the vampires. Oh would they be sorry...

We took a break. Monday we started back and my mom began watching after we caught up her on the drama...Slowly but surely the acting started to get better, too. She was hooked and even woke back up that night to come watch with us.

During the past few days we would watch and then my dad would come home from work. We (I) would pause to make dinner/clean up, he would come home, we would eat and watch. At first, my father criticized the acting, sketchy town setting, the weird make-up the actors wore during "vampire moments", but then...he started asking questions. And not questions like: "Why do we have to watch this?" or "When will y'all be finished?"

They were deep questions: "Now, who is Elaina's mother again?" and "Is the history teacher a vampire, too?" He even wanted us to pause it for him when he went to change out of  his work clothes or refill his plate.

This went on for...days. 22 episodes is a lot, and this was not the only thing we did. Nevertheless, days until finally last night we finish up with the season finale. It was juicy but kind of a crappy ending. I explained to the much involved family that they are in the middle of the second season on TV now. Everyone looked so sad. (I told you so!!)

When I wake up this morning and give my mom a call at work, she informs me that my dad asked her this morning if we could Tivo the new episodes. He told her, "I really want to find out about that guy whose fingers got cut off. I just need to know what happens."

And this, my friends, is how I got my dad hooked on a Vampire soap opera.
1) Be persistant
2) Have back-up (ie: mom, sister, friend)
3) Make sure the subject likes you enough to give you what you want. Oh dad evaaaaaa.


  1. haha..I luv it! AUNTIE DEBBIEEEEE

  2. I can so hear your daddy saying that lol, all you need to do now is get him hooked on Jersey Shore ;)

  3. he already likes Jersey should see him GTL

  4. Read outloud to the fam. After reading, "She was hooked and even woke back up that night to come watch with us" the "friend" said - YEP - SHO DID!!
