Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bachelor Day Dream...

Monday night I missed this week's episode of The Bachelor because there was a very intense True Blood marathon happening in my room. Now, for all you critics out there, I do realize The Bachelor is stupid and insane and kinda weird in a I-date-tons-of-men/women kind of way. I get it, but I love it.

This week the lovely Brad picked one of the girls up in a hot sports car for their one-on-one date and drove her through the city out to, what seemed like, an abandoned field. Turns out that when the young lady flipped a switch she turned on a huge carnival that was being rented out for the two love birds. Collective "awwwww".

The lovers spent a wonderful night spinning around the roller coasters, eating cotton candy, blah blah blah...
I, however, think that this is a totally unrealistic date...for several reasons.

#1- Convertible. Romantic and expensive, I know. But problem one: the hair...messed up for TV :(
                                                                                    problem two: my eyes water in the wind which leads
                                                                                                         all my hard work rolling down my face.
#2- The only carnival/fair that I think of when I hear the word "fair" is the McNair Fair. If you are from the metro Atlanta area, I am sure you have seen these either advertise or you have been to one. SCARY. To my future boyfriend/man/husband, The McNair Fair is not somewhere you want to take me. This is not because I am super stuck up, it is because the fair is crap. Broken down crap rides that are scary.

#3- This girl was told to get really dressed up for their date. She wore a really short dress with no straps. Me? Boobs would have fallen out and the dress would have flown up. Not my best moment.

#4- What if I threw up?

All of the above are significant thoughts that should cross the producers mind when he sends people on these unrealistic, Hollywood dates. They should think about girls like me...with half a brain. 


  1. LOL love it, and yes the McNair Fair is scary :)

  2. I have totally been to the McNair Fair in the old KMart parking lot in Stockbridge (twice--the first time because I had never been to a carnival/fair and the second time because of the entertainment factor). I played a few games, I did not ride any rides either time--they just look unsafe. Also, I find carnies to be very creepy. Did you know there is a town in Florida where carnies live when they are not traveling? (
    The subject/history of carnies/the carnie lifestyle/profession is actually pretty interesting. I have watched some shows about them. However, I prefer to learn about them from afar rather than up-close and personal at the McNair Fair.
    Hmm, that was way more info. than you ever wanted to know--you are probably going to ask me to unfollow you now.

  3. When I read this I could visualize you contemplating riding in a convertible.
