Thursday, October 21, 2010


After eating a good breakfast (dining hall-how good can it get?) I grabbed a bus and headed towards the art building on campus. Several other people got on with me and I hear a conversation start up behind me. I am sitting in a single seat and I tend not to face forward; they were in plain sight. Obviously, I don't refer to myself as a "snooper" but when someone talks loud enough I simply can't ignore him/her. Today was no different.

This conversation starts between a male and female student. When my voice fluctuates if often means I am nervous, but I have noticed that other people change the octaves in their voice, subconsciously, when they are excited and/or happy. Let's go with that.

Boy: Hi _____!
Girl: Helooooh ______! (said octave change)

I assumed they were simply acquaintances but they were not "hatin'" their current situation. Flirt on Playa. Pleasantries continue and just as I think the conversation is dying down to that awkward "yeah" the girl asks the boy where is off to. Health Center. Girl seems concerned (nice touch), adds another fluctuation in her voice then asks, "Oh, no! Are you sick." The next few words changed my bus ride. "I have an in-grown."

Now, me? I am super squeamish and would have changed the conversation REAL quick as to avoid throwing up all over this nice young man's sneakers that housed his weird toe. This girl was a trooper. She continued to ask about his toe as he went into an anecdote about how this was a follow up visit. Apparently the toenail had already been removed (barf for me). [digress: more than one person on this bus was listening, intently, to this story]

Okay so in-growns are a natural part of life I suppose and I mean no disrespect to this poor boy, but honestly that is not the sexiest of conversations out there. The detailed description of the puss and ooze that evacuated his toe when the doctor shot him up with pain relievers was simply too much for me.

Maybe it was love that kept this female Freshman talking to toe-boy, maybe she's just really nice. All I know, after the description of the puss, she got off at the next stop.

Thank you public transportation for being my muse. 

1 comment:

  1. girl ...u can keep me reading even when its about ingrowns !!! I luv ya!

