Monday, September 27, 2010

It has been a while...

It has been a stressful past couple of weeks for me. Enough said. So tonight I will be catching up my followers on as many posts as I can. They have been floating around in my noggin' for some time now. Tonight, the creative juices are flowing.

Last week one of my very best girl friends and fellow Divas talked me into going to a 6:00am spinning class at the gym. Now, when she told me this, I realized there were several parts to this question. 1) 6:00am? For a normal person this would have been a hell-to-the-no, but I get up early to go to the gym three or four days a week so it was no big deal. 2) ...with my friend. She is fierce gym diva. She goes to tons and tons of dance classes and body sculpting "things"...this in itself made me nervous. And 3) Spinning. I have been invited to spinning classes before, but those were always at times that I was (cough, cough) not in my best shape. So, before my new found revolution (unnamed at this point) I would have said no. Now, I enjoy a little burn so I accepted.

We meet at our dorm and she drives us over to the gym where we were greeted by about 15 or so anxious gym rats who were, literally, pacing until the doors opened. Once we get in, my girl friend shows me everything I need and helps me set up my chosen bike. We get on and start pedaling and my first though it, "accept for the uncomfortable pain in my behind, this is not so bad." That's when the instructor, all 110lbs of her and her pegged biking shoes, hops onto the bike and starts counting out number and sequences. It was 6:00am. The earliest math my brain encounters every morning is counting out the number of sugars that go into my coffee. Puh-lease. So I was confused, butt beginning to hurt, and then we start. Yeah, finally right? The first time this little instructor, who I later found out had a baby 3 months ago, told me to stand up you should have seen my face in that huge, obnoxious reflecting mirror. My next three words: "What the hell?" I knew I would either a) leave undignified and early or b) die. Those were my options and my ego is not that big.

I give myself a little credit, I pedaled for 40 minutes until she wanted to do "core" workouts. I kind of got excited because this was off of the bike. But by this time, my feet were numb and my butt was throbbing because it had knocked off the seat cushion earlier without my knowledge, and when I stepped off my knees had no locking capability what so ever. It was then I decided "I should go stretch outside...on the floor." I causally made my way out the door and duck walked to a mat where I dropped to my knees. Oh my.

This was last Tuesday, I just recovered from a bruised butt and sore thighs. Tomorrow I am going back to the gym with the same girlfriend. No way will I ever see that 110lb instructor ever again. Puh-lease.

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