Monday, March 21, 2011

Test Anxiety

As of late, my test anxiety has been getting increasingly worse. Especially since I am required to take macro Econ this semester. In the words of Deena, "It is not a good time." The main reason I do so poorly on these tests is the simple fact that they are timed. Giving me a time limit is like asking the US government to not sounds nice, but never really works out.
(You like that Econ simile? [internal thought: please, please let that be an appropriate simile...])

Here's how tests to me my brain...

"                Name: B-r-i-t-t-a-n-y L-o-f-t-o-n. Did you bubble those in all the way? Man I remember in elementary school when the counselor came to every classroom to make sure we did not leave empty white space in our bubbles...those were the days. Bubble lectures and nap time...ohhhhh nap time. Man I could really go for a nap right about now. STOP-Question 1: Suppose Congress passes the Producer Protection Act of 2012 which puts a binding price floor on all interest rates.  In the market for loanable funds, this act would cause a, b, c, or d... Suppose- what a strange word. Does he mean that Congress is going to pass the Producer Protection Act of 2010...wait is that real? Maybe I should look that up. Why would he put something on test that's not real unless he is trying to trick us? Well, maybe this is one of those give-a-way questions that he puts at the end, but it's number one. Would he do that...what's the question again? a, b, c, or d...yes, the answer is, d. I am sure...      

And t         This is is why timing me never works in my favor.  My brain is scattered with useless information and thoughts and generally disgusting rap lyrics that I hear on the bus. Professors simply don't understand that I have a whole lot more going on in my head than what's written down black and white. In elementary school they called me "gifted" and told me to express myself through thought. Look where that's gotten me.





  1. I agree, I don't do very well on time-limited.. I freak out lol.. so I understand what you are going though.

  2. I am right there with you on test anxiety, i have zero confidence on tests this semester and you are correct about what Deena would say "it is not a good time". ahahahaha hope all is well!

  3. I love your mind , and yes your brain is all over the place..but its in the right places! Thanks 4 the new blog *hugs*
