Wednesday, January 25, 2012

8:00am Crisis

There are certain things I keep stockpiled at my apartment:

Toilet paper, because singing the "Stranded" song to my roommates is just wrong and would probably result in my being asked to leave.

Coffee, because it is nicer waking up with coffee than without.

And, most importantly, my hair supplies.

When I say supplies, I mean shampoo, conditioner, mouse, smoothing serum, and hair spray. Call me boujie, but I am from the south where hair products are like air. Don't get me wrong, I can go a day without conditioner or serum...but the women in my family keep our Freeze It mouse and hair spray stored away in bulk (probably because that's how it comes delivered to my house straight from the manufacturer because the stores are inconsistent on their restock schedule).

Here's my predisposition. It is hot and humid in Georgia. In the brisk morning walk to class, my hair can go from polished to poop simply because of the humidity...this applies in the winter months as well. Without my Freeze It, my pouf is nothing.

Yesterday, I woke up on time, showered, applied my makeup and finished up my hair. Upon deciding to pin my hair back, I teased up with crown of my head reached for my hairspray only to discover the can empty. Don't worry, I didn't immediately panic. Because I import my hairspray, I find it necessary to use the entire aerosol can- why waste goodness- and as I threw one can away I reached for my stockpile of materials underneath the sink only to find nothing. Yes, nothing. Initiate Panic. There was my shampoo, mouse, raisers, shaving cream, cleaning supplies, etc, but no hairspray. Immediately, I dashed to my sister's room and began searching through her stockpile.

Nothing. It was news to me to find out she doesn't use hairspray on a daily basis...or she's been using mine. Who knew? My mother would be ashamed, so I won't disclose her secret to the rest of the family...yet.

My other two roommates, Bless Their Hearts, sleep 'till noon some days and I didn't think I would be able to explain my lack-of-hairspray issues in my panicked state. So, I quickly loaded up my books, made my bed (a must-do before leaving the house), and gave my hair one last good tease thinking it would hold until I made my way to Kroger.

I rushed inside as to avoid the stupid humid air and darted towards the shampoo isle, where I knew I would find an oasis of hair products. I quickly scanned the shelves for my beloved gold Freeze It can, but I knew I never would. The saleswoman restocking the shelves must have noticed my panic and asked if I needed help. After explaining my situation and picking up some Suave Ultra Hold, she quickly shook her head, "That leaves white residue." Thank heavens! Another Dive to help me! She pointed me towards an aerosol can that she called "her brand" and pushed it into my hand. Anyone who identifies with their hair products by using "my" or "mine" must understand thanked her graciously and sped through the checkout line.

Back in the car, I silently said a prayer thanking God it was still early morning. Otherwise more people would have saw me spraying my hair in the Kroger parking lot at 8:00am.