Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A parked car

The other night, my roommate and I ventured out to the local movie theater to see The King's Speech. As reviews go, it was clever and funny, but it was a bit long. B+. While waiting for the movie to start, I had a few quick giggles at the older man behind us. When the screen got stuck on one shot during the previews, he asked aloud "I wonder if someone got shot in the projector room?" After his wife probably threw a strange look his way, he explained "Inglorious Bastards." Giggle Giggle.

The night was great...laughter, carefree-ness, blah, blah. The last few minutes of our adventure out was probably the best/most embarrassing night I have encountered in quite a while, though. Our dorm is right next to Sanford Stadium and I literally wake up every morning to Georgia Football :). After tons of construction, they have finally removed some parking space blockers and there are several spaces where you can literally drive into the stadium. This happened to be one of the spaces we parked in on Monday. I got super excited and to appease me, my roomie pulled her Honda through the space and into the stadium. Gleeeeee. It was pure PG fun. I made wild hand motions to signify this excitement as she backed up and parked in the space.

About this time I look to my right and  notice there is a car FULL of my peers. Oh the embarrassment. My roommate then starts to dance (badly) and wave as I explode with laughter. I politely wave and quickly get out of the car. We scurry (literally) off and my roommate beeps her horn. The horn double beeps signaling that a door is open. MINE. Actually, the door is not only open, but resting ever so softly of the neighboring car. The car full of people. Oh No.

I run back, shut the door, apologize, and proceed to pet the car's door. "It did not hurt it. Sorry!" Another wave. Another scurry.

Does this count as a hit and run? I gave the car some lovin'...